Release 48.2

Published on:
October 4, 2020
**These release notes represent a single point in time. Future releases may impact the information below.**

Performance Enhancements

Alchemy performance has been enhanced in multiple areas.

Key End User Benefits 

Creation and Updating

With Release 48.2 on October 4th, Record loading performance was improved. For the majority of records the speed improvement is from 20-30%, furthermore, for certain records the speed improvement is as high as 60%. Users will get a quicker response and be able to fill in and edit data faster. This means that Alchemy users can be faster in their work, more efficient in their daily obligations and have data readily available when needed without a lag.

Because of the Record performance enhancements, stage transition has improved as well, so process flows can run faster.

Fields in Records are now being updated and saved around 30% faster. The information is saved more quickly and the new data is available to all users with appropriate privileges at once.

Loading & Filtering Views

Depending on the type of Views a user has, what nodes are selected and your configuration, the speed at which the Views are loading can be from 2x to 10x times faster. This will be especially noticeable if you have slow local internet speed. 

Additionally, the Filters in views are narrowing results faster, allowing the user to have more immediate access to relevant information.