Release 37

Published on:
May 11, 2018
**These release notes represent a single point in time. Future releases may impact the information below.**

New Sign In

No more need to remember a unique, long URL. Go to and click “Sign In” in the upper right hand corner of the page.


On the login page, simply enter your work email and Alchemy password to access your application.

Please note that Alchemy’s data security architecture has not changed. Each customer accesses a unique tenant and each customer’s data is stored in its own schema just like we did before. The only thing changing now is the page from which to login. 

Digital Processes Instead Of “Projects”

We want to make sure that we call and label your processes exactly the same way you do. Going forward, you will see your digital processes listed when you click the universal + button to start new work. 

You will also see all your processes listed in the left nav so you have access to all your work from every page in the Alchemy application.

New Views Of Your Work

Now that you have a digital platform to help you do and store your work, we want to make sure that you can see everything that’s going on at the click of a button. We will provide summaries in both traditional “table” view as well as in “board” view.

Table Views

When you click into any of your digital processes you will see summary level data in table view like this:


You will be able to filter on ranges for certain parameters or do keyword search by using the Filters tools above the data table. 


You will also be able to sort based on a variety of parameters by clicking the “Sort By” button like this:

Customize Your Data Table

You can add more columns of data to the data table by clicking the small + button in the upper right corner of the data table like this:

Once the small + button is clicked, you will see a column settings box that looks like this:  

Select the data points you want to add to your table, click the left arrow to add them to the view, and then click save. The new columns of data will automatically show up in your table. 

You can also adjust the order of the columns of data in your table by using the up or down arrow and then clicking save to display accordingly. 

1-Click Download

If you would like to do your own calculations and or make any special charts, it’s easy. Click the download button in the upper right hand corner of the data table, download the data in CSV format, and open it in excel.

 “Board” Views

Boards are a great way to visualize what’s happening without having to read lots of words or sift through lots of data. Now you can see how much work you have in every step of your processes by clicking Active Step:

Notice when you click it, a turquoise bar will show up underneath indicating which view you are in. 

You can also easily see who is working on what by clicking Assigned To.

When you upload an MS Office document to Alchemy, you can preview it without the need to download it to your PC.