Release 61.13

Published on:
June 16, 2024
**These release notes represent a single point in time. Future releases may impact the information below.**


Introducing New Property/Condition Types: Record Reference and Checkbox

Alchemy now allows the use of Property and Condition records to be used as record references in the ELN & LIMS system. This enables these records to set record reference fields in condition sets, or use them to capture test data and calculations.

Checkboxes have also been introduced as an input type for use in the Trials and Recipe tables. This enables users to mark certain ingredients, triggering actions to occur when they are selected or deselected.


AI Recommendations Explanation 

Improved explanation and wording of confidence definition to provide user clarity around the possible range of the predicted value in relation to AI recommendations of formulations.

UI Improvements on DOE-generated Workspace

Workspaces generated by Alchemy have changes to current options to ensure formulating and testing is being performed in accordance with system recommendations, including: 

  • Starting Trial picker removed
  • Lock/unlock and scaling are disabled
  • Settings are introduced

🔐 Please discuss how to add AI and DOE to your system with your CSM or Salesperson.

Bug Fixes