Release 54.0

Published on:
August 14, 2021
**These release notes represent a single point in time. Future releases may impact the information below.**

New Features

1. Dashboard

2. Head Map Chart

3. Record Outside of the Process

4. Automated Visualizations

1. Dashboard

New space to manage your tasks and data.

2. Heat Map Chart

Easily visualize the correlations between your numerical data points.

Heatmap Story:

How To Create Heat Map:

3. Record Outside of the Process

Easily create and manage records like Companies, Contacts, Locations and Materials, without starting a process.

This is a product capability that needs to be enabled through configuration, please contact your CSM for further assistance.

4. Automated Visualization

Don’t spend time creating your typical charts in the process manually. Now they can be created automatically for you.

This is a product capability that needs to be enabled through configuration, please contact your CSM for further assistance.