Release 55.1

Published on:
December 4, 2021
**These release notes represent a single point in time. Future releases may impact the information below.**

This release includes features that make data entry faster and more automated and speed configuration work as well as an upgrade of a software component and a number of minor performance and other enhancements. 

New Features

1. On Field Change Events

2. Conditional Predefined Field Options

1. On Field Change Events

This functionality will improve the experience of live data editing in Alchemy. Specifically, it will enable the possibility to trigger a variety of actions, recalculations and/or updates when entering or editing data in a field. 

For example, when formulating in multiple stages and substages, where totals and subtotals should be calculated based on material quantity entry. Every time the user enters material quantities, it will trigger live (automatic) recalculation for all subtotals (for each substage) and stage total.

This is a product capability that needs to be enabled through configuration, please contact your CSM for further assistance.

2. Conditional Predefined Field Options 

One of the easiest ways to enter your data is through predefined options. The complexity of data structure often requires filtering those options conditional to some other entry.

Enabled with this new feature, our CSMs are now capable of configuring smart fields with predefined options that will be updated depending on some other data update. For example, if a user needs to select a Product Category based on a previously chosen Product Type: if the Category is Pigment, then in Type user will be able to choose Exterior Paint or Interior Paint; if the Category is Solvent, then in Type user will be able to choose Water-based or Solvent-based.

This is a product capability that needs to be enabled through configuration, please contact your CSM for further assistance.


Release 55.1 includes 13 minor enhancements including:

  • Performance enhancements for the verification stage of configuration work
  • Update from Angular 12 to Angular 13
  • Improved verification of passwords on sign in forms