Release 55.5

Published on:
January 15, 2022
**These release notes represent a single point in time. Future releases may impact the information below.**

We finished last year achieving a major milestone - the release of improved Views, as part of our Beta Program. However, that was just a first step. Our main goal is to make the powerful capabilities of Views be even more intuitive and easy to use, so that everyone is able to create Views and explore data on their own.

After a series of usability tests and collecting your feedback, we are continuing to improve Views adding new functionalities and enhancing what we already have.

This new release is focused on these improvements.

New Features

1. Group By

2. Search Starting Data

3. Number of Applied Filters

1. Group By

Group By in Views allows rows to be grouped by any column or multiple columns, so it is easier to read and understand the data contained within them. Applying ‘Group By’ and choosing a column will organize results in the table in groups defined by values of the selected column.

2. Search through Starting Data

Creating Views is now more simplified. Finding your Starting Data is quicker with the search box at the top of the list which will allow faster discovery of desired Record or Process templates. 

Please note: Starting data is the most important data in your View because it will be linked to other data, filtered, sorted and so you can get maximum insight from the View.. 

3. Number of Applied Filters

Another improvement related to Views is the display of the number of applied filters, in the ‘Filters’ button in the toolbar above the table, so you know how many you have applied in aggregate.


This release also includes 10 minor improvements and bug fixes, including being able to delete a record.