Release 56.4

Published on:
April 9, 2022
**These release notes represent a single point in time. Future releases may impact the information below.**


1. ‘Open in new tab’ option in Views

2. My Tasks button overlapping View in Process

3. Other improvements

1. ‘Open in new tab’ option in Views

To increase personal productivity, we have added a new option. Check out the right-click menu in Views called ‘Open in new tab’. When selected, it will pop a record reference, process reference, and link fields in a new tab. We also implemented a shortcut control + click (or command + click for iOS users) which will open those links in a new tab.

2. My Tasks button overlapping View in Process

We heard your requests. Now when you are working in a Process and using a View with charts, you felt the My Tasks button was cumbersome. Namely, you felt it was blocking some chart options. To rectify this, we made small but impactful change. Now you can see all the options and still use My Tasks. Try it!

3. Other improvements

This release brings another 7 enhancements including pasting a formatted text into a rich text field.

We have also updated the Java framework Spring Boot to the newest release - version 2.6.6.