Release 58.0

Published on:
May 14, 2022
**These release notes represent a single point in time. Future releases may impact the information below.**

New Features

1. Launch of our Integrated Configuration Environment

2. Improved Copy/Paste Inside Tables

1. Launch of our Integrated Configuration Environment

Having an integrated configuration environment is a critical feature for serving enterprise accounts. 

This feature includes a new, fully functional environment where configuration and integration work can be executed in advance of production roll out. It also includes full deployment automation capabilities. 

There are two sets of benefits of this. On one hand, we will be able to configure and push configuration changes 50% faster. On the other hand, our customers will be able to log into this new environment to verify changes, train staff, test lab equipment or other systems integrations without impacting their production environment or data. When ready, all new work can get automatically pushed to production.

2. Improved Copy/Paste Inside Tables

In this release we are also supporting a major strategy pillar to accelerate formulating, testing, screening, and analysis in the lab. This effort provides you with another round of improvements to the copy and paste functions inside records. You will be able to copy multiple cells (values) inside a table and paste those cells into another table. This will also create additional rows/columns in the table, if needed. Easy!


This release also includes a number of smaller improvements and optimizations, including:

  • Further improvements to Views structure and performance
  • Additional improvements related to Conditional Formatting providing more visibility when a field changes
  • Improved styles for a button field
  • Resolution of a known issue with the SafeNet sign option