Release 58.1

Published on:
May 21, 2022
**These release notes represent a single point in time. Future releases may impact the information below.**

New Features

1. Calculated Columns in Beta Views

1. Calculated Columns in Beta Views

You can now add custom columns to a View with user-defined calculations or formulas. This will give you the ability to add custom data, combine values, and present the data in a way that suits you best.

Calculated columns in Views are based on an internal programming language - the Alchemy script - that is used in the background to enable automatic calculations happening in the system. Think of this like spreadsheet formulas on steroids. To familiarize yourself with the Alchemy script, please visit this Manual.


This release also includes a number of smaller improvements and optimizations, including:

  • Resolution of a known issue with the Okta sign option
  • Improved selection and copy/paste inside the tables in records