Published on:
October 1, 2022
**These release notes represent a single point in time. Future releases may impact the information below.**
Properties as Main Building Blocks for our Study and AI & DOE Initiatives
Properties are key building blocks of our Study and AI & DOE initiatives (all of which were initially described in these Release Notes).
• What is a property? The data related to any:
- Material
- Product
- Parameters that need to be tested
- Goals of an experiment
• How are properties created? Properties are set up:
- Out of the box, based on our product best practices
- Added on the fly by users, automatically expanding your data model and metadata in real-time
• What information can be associated with a property? Each property can be described with:
- Name
- Type (number or short text)
- If needed, multiple values (e.g., color can be described with 3 values – L*a*b)
- Units
- Predefined values
- Required condition(s) data (e.g., viscosity requires information about temperature. Note, conditions can be flagged as mandatory and available and default values can be defined.
Once a property is defined, it will automatically be propagated to several places in the system:
- All Material records, enabling you to describe any material with a new property.
- Target section of the Study, enabling you to use a new property as a goal of your study.
- Test Method records, enabling you to choose a new property for testing, with a defined set of conditions.
- Updated Angular, our main frontend framework, to v14.
- Enhanced the Alchemy Script to include a new function to asynchronously create processes, that will make automatically created processes available faster and improve user experience.
- Resolved an issue on the Configuration portal related to bound tables inside records - configurators are now able to change the type of calculation that populates data inside bound tables.
- Improved the mechanism for auto-updating data - the technology behind it, web sockets, are made more robust, preventing disconnection after long periods of inactivity in the system.