Release 59.4

Published on:
October 22, 2022
**These release notes represent a single point in time. Future releases may impact the information below.**

Easier Data Editing

Sometimes people make data entry mistakes. In these cases, Alchemy enables the user to either delete or deselect making the system more forgiving. 

  • Values from any type of field (radio buttons, dropdowns, date-time…).
  • All kinds of dropdown fields (record, process and user references or fields with predefined values), when a value is selected, can be deleted.
  • Radio buttons (yes-no field) that have a selected value can be deselected.
  • All types of fields on right click have a new option to delete the selected/enered value.


  • Resolved an issue not being able to enter date information on task via keyboard.
  • Improved behavior on the configuration portal when the identifier of a field is changed, the admin will be able to delete that field if needed.