New Features
- Material’s Specification Table
- Color-coded Test Results & Specifications
1. Material’s Specification Table
The Material record was improved with the Specification table, where you can capture for all properties the expected targets and the one value for each property that will be used in all calculations when you are using that material while formulating.

2. Color-coded Test Results & Specifications
In addition to the previous feature - specification table on the Material record and Tests and Calculations tables inside the Formulating and Testing Workspace, Sample and Phase are improved with color-coded values.
Items will be color-coded for in-target results (green) or out-of-spec results (red) in:
- Entered values for material properties in the Specification table
- Measured values in the Test table
- Calculated values in the Calculations table
Other Improvements
- Resolved an issue when the Sample Code field inside the Formulation table, in some cases, did not list the available samples for materials.
- Resolved an issue with a Sample record when opened as a solo record when materials rows were dispositioned and editable.
- Removed redundant tabs inside the Study Visualisation drawer.