Release 61.3

Published on:
December 17, 2023
**These release notes represent a single point in time. Future releases may impact the information below.**

New Features

1. Calculated Testing Properties

2. Material Versioning

3. QC - Out of Specification

4. Keyboard accessibility inside the Study

1. Calculated Testing Properties

While testing, chemists often measure only some values using the devices in the lab (e.g., the initial and final length of the sample). However, other values must be calculated based on what was measured using predefined formulas (e.g., calculating the total extrusion based on the measured lengths).

2. Material Versioning

Material versioning refers to the practice of assigning and tracking different versions or iterations of a specific material. This can be essential in research, development, manufacturing, and quality control processes to keep a record of changes, modifications, or variations made to a particular chemical substance. Each version has a unique version number associated with it.

Material versioning can be useful when:

  • Adjustments are made to the composition of a chemical material, such as modifying the ratios of ingredients or introducing new components, and a new version is created.
  • Changes in the manufacturing or synthesis process can result in a different version of the material. This may include alterations in reaction conditions, temperature, pressure, or other parameters.
  • If a material undergoes changes based on quality control findings or improvements, a new version may be designated to reflect those updates.
  • Compliance with regulatory standards may require documentation of changes made to a chemical material. Material versioning ensures a clear record of these modifications.
  • Scientists may explore different formulations or conditions during the research and development phase. Each iteration of the material is assigned a new version to track the progress and results of these experiments.
  • For traceability, researchers and manufacturers can trace a specific material's history, understand its evolution, and identify the conditions under which it was produced.
  • For better documentation - each material version is documented with relevant details, such as the date of modification, the nature of changes, and any other pertinent information. This documentation aids in data analysis and decision-making.

3. QC - Out of Specification

The Quality Control process in Alchemy is enriched with Out of specification feature. An "Out of specification" (OOS) result occurs when a test or measurement falls outside the predetermined specifications or acceptance criteria. This deviation from the specified limits can have various implications and requires careful investigation. 

Addressing out-of-specification results is critical to maintaining product quality and regulatory compliance. In Alchemy, this can be done by the following:

  • Immediately document the out-of-specification result, including the test details, the sample, and relevant conditions. This will be saved in the list of QC statutes.
  • Notify appropriate personnel about the OOS result, including supervisors, quality control managers, and other relevant stakeholders.
  • Adjust the tested sample to address the root cause of OOS. It may involve recalibrating equipment, adjusting procedures, or taking other measures to prevent recurrence.
  • Mark as Off-grade

4. Keyboard accessibility inside the Study

The ability to easily enter data into Alchemy is crucial, influencing user experience, efficiency, and the overall effectiveness of the application. That is why we are working on improving this experience, and from this release, you are able to input data in tables as part of the Integrated Study by using only keyboards. This will help with

  • Inputting data effortlessly
  • Productivity and efficiency
  • Reducing errors and data quality
  • Accessibility
  • Time Savings

Other Improvements

  • Improved Scaling with the possibility to scale only all theoretical or only all actual formulations.
  • Resolved an issue when upload files for test results inside the Phase were not displayed with a preview.
  • Resolved an issue when defined material constraints were switched inside the Scan & Score modal.
  • Resolved an issue when the chosen property for defining material constraints wasn’t displayed in the Scan & Score modal.
  • Resolved an issue when the calculated property inside the Calculations table in the Workspace was editable, even if they were not configured to be.
  • Resolved an issue when test names weren’t properly displayed in the Screening Design Workspace as part of the Study Visualizations.
  • Resolved an issue when the Compare functionality for the corrosion record stopped working.