Release 38

Published on:
June 16, 2018
**These release notes represent a single point in time. Future releases may impact the information below.**

Plus (+) Button

Now all the create actions are accessible at the click of the turquoise Plus (+) Button that is always available in the upper right corner of your screen:

When you click the Plus Button, a Plus Menu appears with all your options:

Start a new process in one click:.

 Set up and assign a process-related task:

Add a note to a Company:

Enhanced Task Management

Now you can both allocate (assign) more than one person to work on a single task and also create more than one task related to a single step. On the Process Details page click “Add Task”.

Alchemy will automatically assign the task to the process step owner. That person can then choose to finalize the step him/herself, assign it to one or more members of their team or create multiple tasks and spread them across team members. You have full freedom to allocate your work exactly how you want to. 

When you click “+ Add Task,” a page will pop up that looks like this:

Once a task is set up, it will appear on your Tasks page (accessed in the left nav) where all your tasks can be seen at once and on the Process Details page in the right nav:

When you click the bold task name in the task card, you will go to the Task page:

On the Task page you can collaborate with other team members or leave comments for future reference.  

From this page you can also click on the Step Form for this step in your process and look up or enter data as necessary: 

You can also scroll through Activity on this process:

Finally, you can access a timesheet for the task:

Time Tracking

Now each person on a team can track time spent on their tasks.

To access time tracking for your task, click the bold task name in the “My Immediate Tasks” box on the right side of the screen:

You will be taken to the Task Page:


Click the “Timesheet” tab and you will see a digital timesheet where each person on a task can capture their time spent:

Enhanced Process Details Page

The Process Details page has tabs across the top so you can easily access information relevant to your work. The right nav is where you can see any tasks you have that associated with this project.