Release 50.3

Published on:
December 4, 2020
**These release notes represent a single point in time. Future releases may impact the information below.**

New Features

1. User Initiated Actions Upgrade 

2. New Integration APIs

New User-Initiated Action: Create Multiple Records

The first several use cases for User-Initiated Actions were described in Release Notes 49.0 and 50.0. In this Release, we have enabled users to create multiple new records at the click of a button. 

In the use case described below, a Lab Manager is starting the Formulating process and the first record that he/she needs to fill out is a Testing Plan Record, as seen in the screenshot below.

In this record, the Lab Manager is able to select tests that need to be performed by Lab Technicians. Also, s/he can add a specific test method according to which the tests need to be performed, the specifications (‘from’ and ‘to’ values) and additional comments for the technician. In the screenshots below a filled out example is shown:

When all of the tests and test methods are selected, the Lab Manager can click on the Create Test Records button as shown below.

When this button is clicked, the number of tests that were selected in the Testing Plan record will appear as separate records where data can be entered. As seen in the left navigation in the screenshot below, 3 new records are available.

As seen in the screenshot below, the parameters that were defined in the Testing Plan record table, for Rheology Tests got copied to the created Rheology Test records. In the first and second rows, a test method was selected, ‘from’ and ‘to’ values were entered and there is a comment by the Lab Manager. In the created records these fields were automatically populated:

With all these new capabilities, structured data capture in the lab is more automated and work can be more easily assigned.

New Integration APIs

A new version of our integration APIs (Application Programing Interfaces) are being introduced allowing easier connections between Alchemy and other software apps.

APIs are used by developers to set up connections to send information between two or more software systems and essentially 'speak the same language' in the programming sense.

Alchemy’s goal is to make life easier for our users and make them more efficient in their everyday work. By integrating with other software apps our users are also using like Power BI, ERPs, CRMs, we are enabling them to avoid entering data twice in different tools. Furthermore, different departments may use different software tools and, with integration, the flow of information is seamless and data is readily available to everyone involved in the process. Integration of core software or systems of record is an important step in the process of digitalization. For more information about APIs please write to us at