Release 55.8

Published on:
February 5, 2022
**These release notes represent a single point in time. Future releases may impact the information below.**

New Features

1. Spell Checker

2. ‘Open in tab’ Option

Spell Checker

The right-click menu inside records is enhanced with a Spell Checker option. It is implemented for free-text fields (alphanumeric, rich text and number) and it will instantly check your typed-in data for spelling errors. Errors will be underlined in red and if you right-click on the underlined word, the system will display a list of suggested corrections.

‘Open in new tab’ Option

To increase productivity, another option is added to the right-click menu in records called ‘Open in new tab’. When selected, it will pop a record reference, process reference and link fields in a new tab. We also implemented a shortcut control + click (or command + click for iOS users) which will open those links in a new tab.


This release also including 5 improvements when:

  • Deleting a record linked in tables
  • Rendering charts in Views
  • Setting first and last name.