New Features
1. Visualizations in Beta Views
2. Improved Copy / Paste in Records
1. Visualizations in Beta Views
As part of the Beta Program, we released an enhanced version of Views. The first step covered two key improvements: simplified View creation and easier data exploration. Right after, we continued with a series of improvements, such as the “Group by” capability.
With this release, you will be able to create 8 types of charts right from the Data tab. The main advantage of this approach is that visualizations can be created and viewed in the same place where your data table is, making data analysis and insight easier and faster.
Supported types of visualizations in this release include:
- Area chart
- Bar chart
- Bubble chart
- Doughnut chart
- Histogram
- Line chart
- Pie chart
- Scatter chart
You will be able to manipulate data displayed in the visualization, add multiple series, stack series etc.
2. Improved Copy / Paste in Records
One of the pillars of our product strategy is to accelerate formulating, testing, screening and analysis in the lab. We are actively focused on making data entry faster and easier. To accomplish this, we are excited to release the ability to copy and paste values. You will be able to copy and paste from any type of field, even structured ones like records or process reference fields, yes-no or checkboxes, dropdowns and dates, and paste them into any field type. This should significantly speed up the data entry process.