Release 59.0

Published on:
September 24, 2022
**These release notes represent a single point in time. Future releases may impact the information below.**

Record Edit History

Building on our Field Edit History functionality (How To here), we are now introducing Record Edit History functionality. You will be able to easily access, via UI, the aggregation of all edits to fields in a record as well as changes to the record itself. This will include:

  • All additions, modifications and deletions to data in fields made by a user or via system calculation
  • Changes to records (e.g. a record was renamed or became valid/invalid)
  • Who made the change
  • When the change was made
  • What the data was before the change 

The ability to follow fields and records back to their origin provides numerous benefits from more transparency, faster error correction, and increased team alignment on the one hand, to clear data provenance and better data governance, monitoring and control on the other.

Easy Data Entry for Date-Time

Our date-time component (in all places in the app – inside tasks, records, filters on views and search) is improved with a couple tweaks to make date entry easier. From now on, you can either enter date and time information by typing them into the input field or use the calendar component which is still available with improved design.


  • Another set of improvements for loading of data-dense records by 25%.
  • Enhanced the Alchemy Script to include a new function to asynchronously create records, that will make automatically created records available faster and improve user experience.
  • Improved our internal tool for gathering usage traces, in order to get more precise, real-time information about potential performance issues, so we can solve them faster.
  • Resolved an issue with configuring and publishing View Templates using the Grid tab, making it available again.