How to group data in a Board?

Last Updated on:
July 12, 2022

Predefined Views by your Admin can not be edited. Only Views from the My Views section can be edited. However, Predefined Views can be cloned and then edited. To clone a View, check this link.

1. Click on the “+” sign next to the Data tab. Dropdown with various options will open. Choose the Board. Board is another way of showing the data in the View. Data will be displayed grouped according to the chosen criteria, i.e. field value. Groups are displayed in a form of scroll-through boards.

2. In the right side menu select the field value according to which the data will be grouped.

3. Choose the Material type from the drop-down list of available fields and all the formulations containing the specific material type will be displayed within the same board. Board is titled by the material type name and the number in parentheses shows how many formulations are done using that type of material. Click on the arrow in the “Sort By” field to choose the field according to which the formulations within the board will be sorted.