Using Search Functionality

Last Updated on:
July 9, 2024


This guide outlines how to leverage Alchemy’s search capabilities to quickly locate any process, record, or task related information within the system, allowing for easy access to system data.

There are two search types that can be used:

  • Quick Search
  • System-Wide Search

The use of Quick Search will display results in the system for any process, record, task or stage name that match the keywords in the search field. System-Wide Search will return results for all keyword-related items in the system, including titles and content within record fields.

Quick Search

  1. In the left-hand navigation panel, click on the Search field that contains a magnifying glass icon.
Figure 1. Search field
  1. In the expanded search bar, enter in the desired keyword(s). Applicable results will appear in a list below the search bar.

Note: Quick Search only takes into account process, record, task or stage names.

Figure 2. Quick Search results
  1. Clicking a search result from the list will navigate to the corresponding process or record.

System-Wide Search

  1. In the left-hand navigation panel, click on the Search field that contains a magnifying glass icon.
Figure 3. Magnifying Glass - Search field
  1. In the expanded search bar, enter in the desired keyword(s). Applicable results will appear in a list below the search bar.
  2. Press Enter or click Show All Results in the bottom right corner of the results list. 
Figure 4. Show All Results
  1. Page navigates to Search Results and displays all returned items from the keyword entry.
  2. Results can be filtered based on 5 criteria:
    • Process
    • Record
    • Task
    • Created By
    • Date Range
Figure 5. Search Results
  1. Clicking a search result from the list will open the corresponding process, record, or task in a pop-up window.