Change a Process Priority

Last Updated on:
August 4, 2023


This guide outlines how to change the priority of an existing process. 

Note: Process priority can only be changed if the user has the appropriate privileges in the system. Please contact your IT Administrator or CS support for more information.


  1. Select a process from the Assignments page.
Figure 1. Select Process
  1. From the Process panel, click the menu icon and select Change Priority.
Figure 2. Process Menu - Change Priority
  1. The Process Prioritization modal appears and displays a list of all processes with the same priority categorization.
  2. Using the selection icon on a process row, drag and drop the process to the desired ranking in the priority list.

Note: Changing the priority of a process recalculates all subsequent process priorities.

Figure 3. Process Prioritization 

Once complete, click Close. The process should now reflect the changed prioritization on the My Assignments page and Dashboard widget.