This guide outlines how to create a visualization from a view. Note: Visualizations will not work if data is displayed using Group By functionality.
1. From the Data view, click the Visualization tab to open the menu. Click the + Add Visualization button and new visualization settings page will be opened.

2. Click the visualization name, Untitled, to enter the name of the chart. Click Chart Type to choose among different chart types from the drop-down menu. Chart types include:
- Area
- Bar Chart
- Bubble
- Doughnut
- Histogram
- Line Chart
- Pie
- Scatter
- Spider

Area Chart
The area chart gives a visual representation of quantitative data and it is commonly used for comparison between different quantities.
1. Choose Area as the chart type. Select Series 1 data, which will be represented on the Y-axis and data to be placed on the X-axis.

2. Click the Add Series button to add more than one series.

3. Click the drop-down menu below Stacking and choose the option, Stacked. Areas are not overlapping if this option is chosen.

Bar Chart
1. Choose Bar Chart as the chart type to compare data across categories. Select Series 1 data, choose data for the X-axis, and select the chart orientation.

2. Click the +Add Series button to include additional series and select the data for each.

Bubble Chart
1. Choose Bubble as the chart type. Select Series 1 data, bubble size and X-axis data to categorize the series.

2. Hover over the bubble to display the results in a tooltip.

1. Choose Doughnut as the chart type. Select the data series and category by which the series will be sliced.

2. Hovering over a section of the chart shows the value of the slice in a tooltip.

1. Choose Histogram as the chart type to show data distribution. Select the series of data and category by which the series will be displayed.

2. Hover over the specific bar to display the frequency of data points in the bar interval.

Line Chart
1. Choose Line Chart as the chart type to display trends over a period of time. Select the series of data and X-axis data.

2. Click the Add Series button to add more than one line and visually compare the data.

3. Hover over the line to show the results for each data point placed on the X-axis.

Choose Pie as the chart type to show proportions of the data. Select the data series and category by which the series will be sliced.

2. Hover over the slice to show its value in a tooltip.

Scatter plots are used to observe the relationship and investigate correlation between two different numeric variables.
1. Choose Scatter as the chart type. Select the Series 1 data and X-axis data.

2. Hover over a dot to display its value.

Use this two-dimensional chart when you want to plot one or more series of data across several unique dimensions.
1. Choose Spider as the chart type. Within the Select Categories section click on the arrow inside the category field to choose the specific category. Select at least two categories. Within the Select Series section click on the arrow inside the series field to select the appropriate data series.

Expanding, Editing, Downloading and Deleting Charts
1. Click on the arrow next to the chart title to go back to the Data view.

2. Visualizations will be seen in the side panel. For each chart, you can choose to Expand, Edit, Download (as a .png image) or Delete the chart.