View Two Records Side by Side

Last Updated on:
August 4, 2024


This guide outlines how to view two records from the same process, side by side, using the split view functionality.


  1. Select the desired process from the Assignments page.
Figure 1. Select Process
  1. From the Process panel, click the menu icon and select Split View.
Figure 2. Process Menu - Split View
  1. The Process panel collapses and a second, duplicate record appears on the right side of the screen. 
  2. Both records have collapsed Process panels for the user to navigate to other records within the same process.
Figure 3. Process Panel Icon
  1. Click the Process panel icon for one of the records.
Figure 4. Select a Record
  1. Select a different record from the Process panel.
Figure 5. Side by Side View
  1. To exit the split view, click the process panel icon for one of the records. Click the menu icon and select Exit Split View. 
Figure 6. Exit Split View