Clone a Record from Compare View

Last Updated on:
March 6, 2025


This guide outlines how to clone a record from the Compare view in Alchemy. Refer to Compare Existing Records to learn more about comparing records in Alchemy. 

Note: Only certain records can be compared. Contact your system administrator about making a record template available for comparison.


1. To clone a record added to a Compare view, click on the Options icon in the column header and select Clone Record.

2. A new column will appear in the view with the cloned record. The record will also appear in the process navigation panel.

3. Edit fields in the column, if necessary.

4. To highlight a record in the view, click the Options icon and select Highlight Record. Choose the desired color from the palette.

5. To reorder records, click the icon to the left of the column header name and drag-and-drop the column to the desired position in the view.