Add a New Record

Last Updated on:
March 6, 2025


This guide outlines how to add a new record to the system, in multiple ways:

  • In a Process
  • From a Record Reference Field
  • Outside a Process

In a Process

1. In the process navigation panel, on the stage in which you want to add a record, click the + icon. Choose Record.

2. Select the record template from the list to create a new record in that stage of the process.

Note: If you can not add records to the stage anymore because the maximum number of records has been reached, that information will be displayed instead of the list of record templates.

From a Record Reference Field

1. Click on a record reference field. A drop-down for selection will appear. Click the + icon.

2. A new record will be displayed in a pop-up window. Fill out all required fields.

3. Close the record. The newly created record is now linked in the field.

Outside a Process

Records can be created without starting a new process with the appropriate privileges and system configuration.

1. Click the + NEW button in the blue system navigation panel. Select the record template you wish to create from the list displayed.

2. A new record will be opened in a pop-up window. Complete all required fields.

3. If you close the record before all required fields are complete, a warning dialog box will be displayed. 

4. Clicking Close will close the record window, leaving it in an Invalid state. Clicking Stay keeps the record open to continue filling out field information.